英雄防御是由Happy Tuesday制作的一款3D冒险类游戏,这款作品将当前主流的竞技网游玩法与极为丰富的经典RPG元素相结合。该游戏的故事发生在一个恶魔国度,别看这里生活着全是恶魔,各个种族分支之间也深藏着许多年的恩怨,诸如不死僵尸与吸血鬼便势不两立的对象,而每当矛盾激化时,大规模暴乱就会发生,只有最强的首领才能有统治全族的权利。
HERO DEFENSE challenges fans from MOBAs, RPGs and Tower Defense games to strategically manoeuvre their upgradeable heroes to destroy hordes of sinister creeps.
Take charge of five unique heroes that battle their way through various arenas to defeat Count Necrosis.
In order to destroy the world’s most powerful vampire, your team of slayers must impale, slash, tear and burn through legions of undead hell-bent on world domination.
Customize your heroes through a deep RPG layer featuring upgradeable weapons and rich character skill trees.
A long lasting multiplayer experience gives enthusiasts the possibility to dominate the worldwide ladder for loot and precious runes.
Liberate your island, assemble your team and enjoy hours of a narrated story
Replay procedurally generated enemies and endless mode challenges
Succeed over bosses that possess special abilities
Kill creeps fast to punish the enemy in an innovative mix of MOBA and Tower Defense
Battle other players in ranked or unranked matches
Defeat opponents with strategies or brute force to earn unique runes
Gather Achievements to show your friends your gaming prowess!
Save to the Cloud. Never lose your savegames and play on all your devices!
Trading Cards – Gather the set for HERO DEFENSE
Modify weapons by collecting and socketing powerful runes
Customize rune builds for devastating combos and skill-synergies
Build hero shrines to empower your characters during battle
Gain XP to access and level up each hero’s individual skill tree
Gather loot and equip spells that freeze, burn and poison the undead
Rebuild your town and unlock new buildings